Vacation Bid
The Bid Monitor's Phone Number is
The Vacation Bid occurs twice (2) a year, every 6 months, in June and December. In December is when you might start wondering about how much vacation time you have and how many hours can be carried over into the next contract year.
Per the current contract with The Authority and TWU Local 171, ARTICLE V, Section 8-B (page 46 ) states:
Selection of vacation will be made twice a year. Employee may only bid vacation time that has been earned as of the date the vacation bid begins. During the December bid, the maximum amount of vacation time an Employee can bid is based on the schedule below. Please see Utilization below.
Date of hire to end of first year 40 hours
Beginning of 2nd year to end of 4th year 80 hours
Beginning of 5th year to end of 10th year 120 hours
Beginning of 11th year and beyond 160 hours
If you still have questions about your carryover vacation hours, please check with the Bid Monitor.